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Breaking the Myth of European Superiority


  The current history of humans is, more often than not, the fabrication of Western Europe in 19th century. Professor Masaaki Sugiyama from Kyoto University of Japan put forward his idea of “the Mongol Period” in the world history. He maintained that the rewriting of history with this tool is a historical phenomenon changing the history of the world and of China. In this lecture, professor Sugiyama will demonstrate some signs showing historic turning points: the map, the world history written, paper and travelers…


Speaker: Professor Masaaki Sugiyama

Moderator: Professor Cao Jinyan

Time: 19:00-21:00, Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Venue: Rm. 138, Zijingang Int’l Conference Center

Sponsor: Research Institute of Social Sciences, ZJU

                 Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, ZJU

                 School of Humanities, ZJU


About the speaker:

  Masaaki Sugiyama, Professor at Faculty of Letter, Kyoto University, was once conferred the highest awards for Japanese scholars and experts. He is good at 16 languages of the world: Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Arabian, Latin, Persian, Catalonian, Sanskrit, Turkish, Afghanistan, Mongolian, Manchu and Tibetan. His research covers history of Mongol, history of Asian European continents, history of ancient Chinese nationalities. He wrote over 20 works, e.g. Rise and Fall of Mongol Empire (Two Volumes), Mongol Empire and Ulus, Mongol Empire Overturning the World History. His works, by integrating the world history with history of Asia and of China from the micro and macro perspectives, are highly commended by the international academic circle with initiative and innovativeness.


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