“问题与对策:中国老龄化” (Issues and Strategies: Aging in China)国际学术会议通知


      为加强人口老龄化研究的国际交流,特别是青年学者之间的学术交流,澳洲新南威尔士大学CEPAR研究中心、浙江大学基础社会科学研究平台和浙江大学人口与发展研究所决定举行将主题为“Issues and Strategies: Aging in China”的国际学术会议。届时,来自国内外这一领域的一批青年才俊将到我校参加这一会议。国外著名学者John Piggott教授, Elisabetta Magnani, Rafal Chomik, Lu Bei,Zhurong等将参加此次会议,并与中国年轻学者共同探讨人口老龄化及其影响。欢迎对该会议有兴趣的师生共同参加,分享交流。


About CEPAR: 
      Based at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) with nodes at the Australian National University (ANU) and The University of Sydney, CEPAR is producing world-class research on population ageing.
      Our innovative research is providing global solutions to the economic and social challenges of population ageing and building a new generation of researchers to global standard with an appreciation of the multidisciplinary nature of population ageing.
      For more information about CEPAR, visit cepar.edu.au