Initially an academic publication first issued in 1988, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management is solely for management engineering discipline in China entrusted by Teaching-guided Committee for management engineering major of State Education Commission to ZhejiangUniversity. The editorial board is made up renowned experts in management science and management engineering in institutions of higher learning, e.g. Professor Wang Yingluo, Chairman of the board and the doctor’s supervisor; Professor Xu Qingrui, vice Chairman, editor-in-chief and doctor’s supervisor; Professor Jiang Shaozhong and associate professor Weng Yonglin, associate editors-in-chief. The Journal is a periodical in CSTPC, Chinese Scientific andTechnologicalInformationResearchCenter, State Science and Technology Commission. The Journal aims at serving the national economic construction, exchanging the achievements in teaching and scientific research of management engineering, upgrading the teaching and research of management discipline, promoting the development of management engineering theories and boosting the prosperity of management engineering discipline.
The journal covers the extensive disciplines in management engineering theories. Best suited for the papers on economics, technology and education as well as papers related to the theoretic research and practical problems in the inter-disciplinary management theories and methods, the journal serves the teaching and research fellows and students in the schools and research institutes of management engineering, economic accounting and science.