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【Program Preview】Talk on the Master of Science in Financial Economics (MSFE) Programme Cooperated by the Singapore Management University and School of Economics, Zhejiang University


Date: Mar.26th, 2019

Time: 16:00-17:00p.m.

Speaker: LIU Xiaobing

Venue: Room 418, School of Economics, Yuquan Cam


SMU Intro

The Singapore Management University is one of the best universities in Asia. The university provides broad-based business programmes modelled after the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. SMU was established on 12 January 2000 and is located in the downtown area of Singapore. It listed on the Top 50 in the 2019 QS World University Rankings.


Program Intro

The proposed Master of Science in Financial Economics (MSFE) programme addresses the need for a rigorous curriculum linking economics and econometrics to finance. The MSFE programme aims to combine two central strengths of SMU – econometrics and finance – in a programme that meets the loud industry demand for professionals with the skills for deep analysis of increasingly complex financial problems in a new era of dynamic policy and regulation. The proposed full-time degree programme will impart the foundational knowledge in economics and econometrics and the domain knowledge of the workings of the financial markets.

The programme will teach students how to apply the most advanced tools in economics and econometrics to finance. Its primary strength draws on the inherent multidisciplinary nature of the programme involving faculty with expertise in economics, econometrics and finance, thereby generating a unique “transformational” learning experience for students. Going with the theme of any coveted SMU degree and leveraging on its key geographic location, this programme will provide excellent networking opportunities. The possibility of academic and industry seminars for students with applied and research tracks will provide an ideal springboard for the technically sound but market orientated professionals.


More information on: https://economics.smu.edu.sg/msfe%5Cscholarships-and-awards

Official Website:http://www.smu.edu.sg/msfe/

SMU MSFE e-brochure: wescms/sys/filebrowser/file.php

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