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【Talk & Lecture】 The Chinese Developmental State 3.0


Date: Mar.25th, 2019

Time: 13:30-15:00p.m.

Speaker: Professor Thomas Heberer

Venue: Room 357, Mong Man Wai Building, Zijingang Campus


[Speaker Intro]

Professor Dr. Thomas Heberer is senior professor of Chinese politics and society at the University Duisburg-Essen in Germany. Since more than 50 years he is conducting research on China and its development. His first visit of China was in 1975, from 1977 until 1981 he was working as a reader and translator at the Chinese Foreign Language Press in Peking being a witness of China's early reform processes. Since 1982 he is conducting field work in China on almost an annual basis, in various regions and on different topics.



Most depictions of the conduct of the Chinese state are lacking a clear framework for analysis. It is frequently argued that the state is merely interested in maintaining its power. The question is, however, maintaining power for what and which reasons. Thomas Heberer characterizes the Chinese party state as a "developmental state" with a clear-cut vision: to achieve comprehensive modernization until the year 2050. He analyzes the mission of this state and its developmental variations, e.g. at the local level, and examines the state's additional function as a disciplining entity.

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