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【Talk & Lecture】Efficiency in Search and Matching Models: A Generalized Hosios Condition


Date: Apr.11th, 2019

Time: 15:30-17:30

Speaker: Benoit Julien

Venue: Room 236, School of Economics, Yuquan Campus


[Speaker Intro]

Benoit Julien is a tenured Associate Professor of Economics at University of New South Wales, and the chairman of Australasian Macroeconomics Society. His research focuses on developing theoretical models of frictional markets, and to investigate how different forms of frictions (information, coordination, financial), along with different pricing mechanisms, affect equilibrium market allocations. In particular, such models are suitable to investigate how the equilibrium choice variables such as asset, consumption, physical and human capital depend on frictions and pricing environments.​​​ Since 2000, he has published eight papers in A-type journals. He is also an expert in search and matching theory as well as monetary theory. His Directed Search: A Guided Tour, co-authored by Randall Wright, is an authoritative review of directed search and matching theory.

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