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【Talk&Lecture】Ideas toward a Just World Order——Ecology


Date: 9th May, 2019

Time: 14:00 p.m.

Venue: Lecture Hall in the third floor, Bell Tower, Zhijiang Campus, Zhejiang University


【Speaker Introduction】:Thomas Pogge is a German philosopher and is the Director of the Global Justice Program and Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs at Yale University.


【Lecture Abstract】:Human interactions are governed by social rules, both written and unwritten. Social rules require or forbid, permit or encourage various kinds of conduct; they define diverse social roles and ways of determining their occupants; and they provide pathways for creating and revising social rules through political or judicial procedures. Social rules profoundly shape the lives and interactions of persons: their duties and options, their opportunities and ambitions. This attracts normative reflection on the quality –or justice –of social rules and their possible reform.Much careful reflection has gone into the assessment of social rules at the national level. Countries have tried out diverse forms of social organization and much has been learned from their different histories and experiences. By contrast, normative reflection on supranational rules is much less developed, as our experience with them is much thinner. In fact, the current heavily globalized world is so profoundly new that it is unclear whether we can learn much from earlier periods about how humanity should best structure its global order for the coming centuries.Drawing especially on the ground-breaking work of Kant and Rawls, these lectures aim to illuminate how to meet the challenges of global justice in the 21st century.


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