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Shu Jingnan


Born in 1946, Shu Jingnan is a professor of Chinese language, with research interests in literature, philosophy and aesthetics.


Prof. Shu is engaged in extensive research fields, including literature, history and philosophy. From 1968 to 1978, he worked on literary creation and published literary works. Since 1982, he has devoted to the studies on Neo-Confucianism in theSongandMingDynasties, Confucian classics, Book of Changes, Buddhist culture and Taoist culture, and published more than 100 articles. A Biography of Zhu Xi, edited by Prof. Shu, won China Book Award, National Book Nomination Award, second prize for Outstanding Achievement in Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities (Humanities and Social Sciences) and WorldTaiChi Gold Medalof ScienceA Compilation of Zhu Xi Chronicle won the first prize of Philosophy and Social Science of Zhejiang Provincial Government and first prize of Shanghai Outstanding Books. Lost Poems and Articles of Zhu Xi won the first prize of National Excellent Collections of Ancient Books and National Book Nomination Award.

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