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Forum on Chinese Television of 50 Years and Zhejiang Television Art of 20 Years


In order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Chinese television, 30th anniversary of the reform and opening policy and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Zhejiang TV Artist Association, to encourage the communications between scholars, government administrators and TV producers and to seek some key common grounds, in particular, about the major directions and issues in Chinese TV in the future, the sixth academic conference of “Zhejiang University Oriental Forum”—Forum on Chinese Television of 50 Years and Zhejiang Television Art of 20 Years is to be held from June 14 to 15, 2008 in Huabei Hotel, Hangzhou.


The theme of the forum is retrospection and prospects of Chinese Television of 50 years—Zhejiang Television art of 20 Years, research on Chinese TV cultural industry and the cultural criticism of Chinese TV in recent years. Teachers and students are welcome.

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