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What does the World Expo Bring Us?


On the evening of September 28, Professor Duan Huaiqing at Dept. of Chinese, FudanUniversity, Professor Pan Shiyuan at School of Economics, ZJU and Associate Professor Lu Xiaoyan at College of Media and International Culture, ZJU were invited to the Young Scholar Salon of “Zhejiang University Oriental Forum” to discuss “what the World Expo brings us”. Mrs, Yuan Qing, Director of Promotion Dept. of Key Achievements of Research Institute of Social Sciences, Director Shou Yongyi and Deputy Director Hu Ming of Qingyuan Institute were present at the salon. Zhou Yili, student of 2009 grade at School of Economics, ZJU chaired the salon.

Professor Duan Huaiqing, from cultural exchange and integration, thought one significance of the World Expo to China was China entered the “inner world” from the “outer world”. China’s active bidding for the World Expo is not only a reflection of China’s eagerness for entering the “inner world”, but a dream of several generations of Chinese. In the past, China was in the “outer world”, but China, at present, acknowledged its development with methods recognized by a majority of countries in the world. Besides, the harmony embodied in diversity of the World Expo demonstrated that China hopes to understand the rule of the world. In a sense, the World Expo shifted China from the unicity in the past to diversity and tolerance.

After the wonderful speeches of three distinguished guests, students asked questions and expressed their views.

It is 4th in the lectures of Young Scholars Salon of “Zhejiang University Oriental Forum”, jointly sponsored by Research Institute of Social Sciences and Qingyuan Institute, ZJU.


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