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Professor Masaaki Sugiyama of Kyoto University, Japan was Invited to “Zhejiang University Oriental Forum”


On the evening of October 13, Professor Masaaki Sugiyama of KyotoUniversity was invited to “Zhejiang University Oriental Forum” to deliver a wonderful speech named “China and the World in the Mongol Period: Breaking the Myth of European Superiority” in Rm. 138 Zijingang Int’l Conference Center. In this lecture, by presenting splendid culture and brilliant history of China in the Mongol Period, Professor Masaaki Sugiyama attempted to break the historical myth and concepts of European superiority. Professor Cao Jinyan, Standing Deputy Director of Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, ZJU chaired this lecture.

Professor Masaaki Sugiyama pointed out the Mongol Period, confined by historical prejudice and language barriers, was often evaluated as “backward”, “dark” and “brutal”, which, in particular, was reinforced by the dissemination of European superiority and Europe-centered historical perspectives since 19th century. He thought Chinese image in the Western world in 13th and 14th centuries was a pseudo-image against the historical reality, however, after 13th century, the reign of the Mongol Period, with prosperous economy, advanced technology and booming culture, covered basically the whole Asia and Europe and was in an absolute superiority to other neighboring countries. The Eurocentrism was a historical alibi fabricated by the strong culture.

Professor Masaaki Sugiyama, with his humor and simple but profound explanations, greatly inspired the audience and won the warm applause.

This is 56th in the lectures of “Zhejiang University Oriental Forum”, jointly sponsored by Research Institute of Social Sciences, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and School of Humanities of ZJU.Europocentrism

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