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“From West Lake to Seine River—On Prof. Shen Jian and Prof. Lu Yimin, from the Institute of French Histoy”


  On October 24, 2010, at 19:00, the 3rd salon of “Academic Life” series—“From West Lake to Seine River—Prof. Shen Jian and Prof. Lu Yimin, from the institute of French histoy” was held at Café of College of Humanities, Xixi Campus.

  The salon was more like an interview at first, which was divided into three parts. At the 1st part, the two professors have talked about their early school life and explained why they chose Hangzhou University. They both mentioned the kindness and importance of Prof. Shen Lianzhi, who is one of the most famous scholars in French history area and also their tutor.

  At the 2nd part, Prof. Shen and Prof. Lu talked separately about their experience in France. The two professors said, that they had not only studied very hard in France, but also made a wonderful life there. At the same time, two hosts showed spectators the photos of the professors’ life in France. During the interview, a video of a graduate student of Prof. Lu was played. In this video, the student remarked the kindness of his tutor and wished him healthy.

  At the 3rd part, the two professors showed everyone their hobbies, such as violin, hiking, photography, and so on. All the spectators were amazed by the professors’ wide talent and interests. During this part, Prof. Shen also sang an old French ballad.

  At last, some spectators asked the professors questions, which were all responsed. This salon has given the students a chance to know more about the two professors. That’s why the salon is popular in both teachers and students.

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