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Delegation of ZJU paid a successful visit to four American universities


From April 10th to 18th, leaded by LUO Weidong, Vice president of ZJU, 11 members from Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), 6 colleges affiliated to FSS, and 1 research institute, paid a visit to University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, and etc, with the purpose of study, communication and investigation. This visit turned out to be a great success in academic exchange and cooperation from the discussions between the presidents, deans, provosts, directors and professors of relevant disciplines of the two sides.

On April 12th, the delegation paid a visit to the Michigan State University, met professor Vilcox, the managing vice president and the provost of Michigan State University, who expressed the willingness to establish the long-term cooperative relation with ZJU. The two sides reached agreement on the construction of “Joint Research Center for Global Change Science” that covers four Continents: North America, South America, Asia and Africa. Professor Davidson gave a lecture on the personnel system of American university, which aroused the heat discussion of the two sides on the personnel problems occurred in the practical work.

On 11th and 13th, the delegation set foot on the University of Michigan. Through the talks with the Vice deans of University of Michigan, and the visits to a series of colleges, the delegation got a understanding of the discipline and academic advantages of University of Michigan. The delegation also enjoyed the presentation given by Professor Cook from the Center for Teaching and Research, named “Case Study of a World-class Research University: The University of Michigan”.

On April 14th, LUO Weidong, Vice president of ZJU, Professor JIA Shenghua, Deputy director of Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor CHEN Ling, Deputy dean of College of Management, paid a visit to Northwestern University. During the trip, the delegation visited the Kellogg School of Management, Center for Technology and Innovative Management, ResearchCenter for Family Enterprises, and etc, making tentative consensus on the cooperation of EMBA education, innovative management and family enterprise with Kellogg School of Management.

On April 15th, the delegation visited the University of Chicago, exchanging views on the exchange visits of teachers and students and expressing the willingness to promote the cooperation of the two universities. During the visit to the University of Chicago, the delegation was divided into two groups to visit the LawSchool and School of Social Service Administration respectively. Professor Roger Myerson, the 2007 Nobel Prize winner, Professor YU Xunda, deputy director of Faculty of Social Sciences, and Professor YANG Dali from University of Chicago, had a discussion on the international conference to be held in Hangzhou, November, 2011.

In addition, the delegation had a meeting with Vice President of Wayne State University and the Dean of School of Arts and Sciences, and paid visits to Harvard University, MIT, Princeton University, and etc.

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