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Alexander Trunk, the President of Law School, Kiel University, visited Guanghua Law School


On August 29th, 2011, Alexander Trunk, the President of Law School, KielUniversity, Director of the Institute of East European Law, visited Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University. Xinli Zhu (Vice President of Law School, ZJU), Yongmin Wu, (the Associate Secretary of Party Committee) warmly welcomed him.


They introduced the advantages of LawSchool of both KielUniversity and ZhejiangUniversity, and also talk in detailed about the way of cooperation and possible cooperation field. Both sides pointed out that there will see a deeper discussion about cooperation.


Then, Professor Alexander Trunk, accompanied with Yongmin Wu, visited Zhijiang Campus. Professor Trunk spoke highly of the library of LawSchool. Professor Trunk then had a talk with Jieping Fan (Director of Foreign Fairs Office) at Zijingang Campus. On August 30th, Professor Alexander Trunk had an academic communication with Gu Zhang, and Tao Li (teachers of Law School, Zhejiang University)


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