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Professor Steinmueller Gave a Speech in SIS


On September 23rd, at the invitation of the Institute of German Studies and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, ZJU, Professor Steinmueller from the Institute of Language and Communication, TUB, the former vice-president of Technical University of Berlin (TUB) and former president of SIS, delivered a splendid speech to our teachers and students ---- The language loss and acquisition in the process of immigration. Professor Li Yuan, the vice director of the Institute of German Studies, hosted the lecture. German-major students of our school and students from Germany who major in China Studies attended.

Professor Steinmueller devotes himself to the study of linguistics, culture study and sociology over 30 years. He has attained great achievements in the field of linguistics, cultural education and German as a foreign language. Through empirical methods, he did researches upon the Turkish immigrants in Germany and concluded the distinct representations of language loss and language acquisition among the first, second, and third generations of the immigrants. During this speech, he demonstrated his research findings clearly and convincingly by providing ample examples.

The living conditions, career developments, language acquisition and cultural adaptations of the Chinese immigrants in Europe, especially those from Zhejiang Province, are the focus of the 985 intercultural immigration research program of ZJU. The findings of Professor Steinmueller gave tremendous inspirations to the Chinese scholars. The teachers and students present devoted hot discussions according to their own researches with Professor Steinmueller.

Finally, in representation of the Institute of German Studies and the foreign students who major in China studies, Professor Li Yuan gave a brief summary of the lecture and gave sincere thanks to Professor Steinmueller for his contributions to the construction and development of German language & literature and China studies.

Professor Steinmueller's lecture is a part of the international dual master-degree program between Zhejiang University and Technical University of Berlin. Since September 2010, outstanding graduates of ZJU were selected to join this program every year. They studied in both Hangzhou and Berlin for two and a half years to get the master's degree in China’s German language and literature and Germany’s communication and language respectively. Meanwhile, TUB also sent their best students to ZJU to study for the master’s degree in China studies and communication and language. The international dual master-degree program was supported by DAAD.


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