On Dec. 13th, Academic Exchange Conference between Nanyang Technological University and College of Economics was held in Zhejiang University. Professor Euston Quah, Professor Chew Soon Beng, Dr Huang Weihong, AsstProf Chang Youngho, AsstProf Zhang Jipeng and Dr Feng Qu paid a visit, and Professor Xiangrong Jin, Vice President of College of Economics, ZJU gave a greeting speech, and warmly welcomed them.
The discussion of conference was very heated. Students asked questions on the contents of the report, and teachers did patient reports to answer questions. Students from College of Economics had a better knowledge of these specific areas. After the conference, School of Economics, Professor Jin Xiangrong, Professor Huang Xianhai, President Professor Pan Shiyuan, and teachers from Nanyang Technological University discussed issues of further cooperation both sides, and reached the cooperation.