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The Paper by Lu Jianping from the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University Graded as No. 1 of the Top 20 by BioMedLib


The paper “Is Editing the Roadblock to the Internationalization of Chinese Academic Journals” published on Journal of Zhejiang University—Biomedicine & Biotechnology by Lu Jianping from the School of International Studies in June, 2011 was appraised as one of the most influential papers in academic journal editing and publishing research (No. 21634045) respectively on 30 May, 2012 and 1 August 2012 by BioMedLib. The news was carried on several key media in China.

BioMedLib, a search engine in biomedicine in the world, automatically generates Top 20 among millions of papers in the relative fields in MEDLINE database. BioMedLib, developed and managed by the biomedicine library of University of Minnesota, the USA, aims at evaluating the influence of one paper in one particular field. This search engine automatically calculates and ranks the papers and the administrative faculty will notify the authors of Top 20 papers monthly.
     Lu Jianping, Executive Director at Institute of Foreign Language Teaching & Media, SIS, together with her team, has long been auditing and examining the contents and editing quality of English journals published in the mainland China entrusted by General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP). The paper, by adopting the examination results of the quality of English academic journals editing in 2007 and 2010, unveiled the current quality of the English language of academic journals, and pointed out the solution to eliminating the roadblock to the internationalization of Chinese academic journals. The paper was ranked as the top by the international academic search system, so it meant the international academic circles began to focus on the editing quality of the Chinese academic journals. Meanwhile, it meant that the paper with academic influence published in the influential Chinese academic journals can also be recognized by the international academic circles. 

Institute of Foreign Language Teaching & Media, SIS, ZhejiangUniversity

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