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2012 Conference on Humanities Held in Zhejiang University


2012 Conference on the Humanities was held on 13 September in Qizhen Lecture Hall, Zijingang Campus, with the purpose of implementing the essence of Sixth Plenary Session of 17th NPC, booming philosophy and social sciences, upgrading the national cultural soft power, reexamining and planning the orientation and strategies of humanities and social sciences of ZhejiangUniversity. In the Conference, the new situation and opportunities and the obstacles were illustrated and analyzed and “Suggestions on Booming Philosophy and Social Sciences by Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University Committee of the CPC” was carried out. 

Li Weihong, Vice Minister of Education, Jin Deshui, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University and Yang Wei, President of Zhejiang University were present and addressed the conference. Zhang Donggang, Deputy Director at Department of Social Sciences, Ministry of Education, Wang Guangyan, Deputy Director at Department of Ideology and Politics, Ministry of Education, Jiang Shengxiang, Deputy Director at Department of Education, Zhejiang Province, Shao Qing, Vice Chairman of Social Sciences Association, Zhejiang Province and other leaders of Zhejiang University: Lai Maode, Zhang Tuqiao, Wu Zhaohui, Zou Xiaodong, Luo Weidong were present. The Conference was chaired by Zhou Guping, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, ZhejiangUniversity.

Li Weihong, Vice Minister of Education Making an Important Speech at the Conference

Li Weihong, on behalf of Ministry of Education, congratulated the success of the Conference. Then she pointed out ZhejiangUniversity won high recognition from the state, society and other universities with its profound philosophy and social sciences, distinctive and unique research advantages and academic performance. In recent years, ZhejiangUniversity has paved a new way with distinct characteristics based on deepening reforms, creative institutions in talent cultivation, scientific research, social service and cultural innovation. At present, its philosophy and social sciences have a new starting point to confront and challenge the future with broad ideas and dynamic methods.

Li also pointed out China’s philosophy and social sciences have stepped onto a new horizon and met unique opportunities at a strategic moment in state construction and development. Li expressed her expectations; first, the innovative capacity should be enhanced to construct an innovative system of philosophy and social sciences. Therefore, ideas should be liberated, institutional obstacles inside and outside the University should be removed, dynamic factors of talents and resources should be given full play to, therefore, a well-developed and innovative pattern can be formed. Second, key practical issues should be paid attention to for serving the nation and furthering the development, therefore, a long-term mechanism integrating philosophy and social sciences and economic and social development is to be established to benefit the society and the people’s welfare. Third, a talent development mechanism is to be perfected to raise the teachers’ standard. For that matter, ZhejiangUniversity should invest more in promoting the all-round development to ensure a healthy environment of respecting labor, knowledge, talents and innovation for forming a big well-proportion quality teachers’ team.

Fourth, the “going global” strategy should be adopted to enhance academic discourse power. The overall “going global” strategy of the philosophy and social sciences should be strengthened with a broader vision to facilitate a better teaching team, better academic works, research projects and institutions. Fifth, an excellent environment for researches on philosophy and social sciences is to be built. Sixth, the right orientation should be guided to strengthen the CPC’s leading of the philosophy and social sciences.

Jin Deshui, Secretary of the Party Committee of ZhejiangUniversity Making a Concluding Report

Jin Deshui said the humanities and social sciences of ZhejiangUniversity should seek to be at the first class while strengthening the advantages, to make breakthroughs and development in reforms and maintain a dynamic and prosperous growth in fierce competitions guided by the principle of building the first-class universities in the world. Meanwhile, we should be clear of our missions and make endeavors for them. The major task of the Conference is to upgrade our qualities in humanities and social sciences by implementing “Suggestions on Booming Philosophy and Social Sciences”. We should make breakthroughs in the six aspects of humanities and social sciences: the discipline construction should be done with a firm foundation and an optimal layout to guide their development. The teachers should be paid enough attention to. The influence should be expanded with the emphasis on key theoretic and practical questions. The growth mode should be changed with the comprehensive disciplinary advantages. The leading position should be given full rein to for setting up good morality and cultivating talents. The high-level international cooperations should be accelerated.


Jin Deshui highlighted the creation of an excellent environment for the growth of humanities and social sciences, not only with the drive from the fund and projects, but with the safeguard from the University; including ideology, resources, policies, services and Party construction.

President Yang Wei Making a Keynote Speech of “Humanities bringing quality, Soulless without Humanities”

In the Conference, President Yang Wei raised three questions on how to achieve “humanities”, how to make “humanities bring quality” and how to achieve “souls”. He pointed out “humanities” were the priority for the disciplinary construction of ZhejiangUniversity. In recent years, ZhejiangUniversity has developed a lot in its humanities with effective measures; however, joint and collaborative efforts should be made to build a humanities edifice. Therefore, more researches should be made to rejuvenate the traditional disciplines of humanities, history and philosophy. Yang Wei explained “humanities bringing quality” since humanities integrated quality, humanities excelled in quality and humanities were shown in quality.

Yang Wei said the key to “humanities with souls” was influence. “Soulless without Humanities” was shown in its narrow sense, e.g. any scholar, if aiming to be a master, should be guided by the spirit of humanities, as well as in its broad sense, e.g. humanities should exert their influences, including common sense, critical thinking and key social sciences projects upon other disciplines.

Luo Weidong, Vice President Interpreting the new “Suggestions on Booming Philosophy and Social Sciences of Zhejiang University”


Luo Weidong said that the “Suggestions on Booming Philosophy and Social Sciences” aimed at enhancing the comprehensive strength of humanities and social sciences in order to provide the inner drive for the overall growth and the soft power of the University. This is a framework document guiding the development of humanities in the next decade. The programs included upgrading the teachers’ quality, cultivating talents, establishing the high-end platforms, nurturing academic gem works, building first-class think tank and popularizing the academic fruits. For that purpose, several plans would be carried out, e.g invigorating fundamental disciplines, awarding students with excellent humanities programs, holding humanities festivals of Zhejiang University and financing academic publications.

Zhou Guping, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of ZhejiangUniversity Chairing the Conference


Yao Xianguo, President of School of Public Administration and Institute for Public Studies, Cao Jinyan, Executive Vice President of Institute for Cultural Heritage, Ma Qingguo, Director of the Laboratory of Neuromanagement, Wang Yunlu, Deputy Director of Research Center for Chinese Language History, a key research base of Ministry of Education and Zhao Dingxin, teacher representative of “A Thousand Talents Program” were present and expressed their ideas about the construction and development of humanities and social sciences from the overall situation of the University. Liu Junhao, Vice President of Tarim University—the University supported by ZhejiangUniversity also expressed his views.

The representatives visited “An Exhibition on the Achievements of Humanities and Social Sciences of Zhejiang University” before the Conference.

Li Weihong, Vice Minister of Education, Accompanied by Jin Deshui, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University and President Yang Wei Visiting “An Exhibition on the Achievements of Humanities and Social Sciences of Zhejiang University”

Present at the Conference also included the leaders in faculties of humanities, colleges, other faculties and colleges, relevant departments and subordinate units, winners of outstanding national youth scientific fund projects, members of “A Thousand Talents Program”, Chang Jiang Scholars, Distinguished Qiushi Professors, national teaching masters, senior experts of Zhejiang Province, young teacher and student representatives, etc. 

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