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Erasmus + Project Applied by School of Marxism, Zhejiang University and University of Siegen, Germany Approved


The Erasmus + Project of the European Union, applied by School of Marxism, School of Humanities of Zhejiang University and Faculty of Philosophy of University of Siegen, was approved in April 2016. The first phase of the project, initiated in October 2016, will fund 8 master or doctoral candidates in relevant majors of Zhejiang University to conduct half-year academic visits (Covering international flights and scholarships) in University of Siegen, as well as the scholars and administrative staff from both sides to participate in the teaching and hold two small-scale academic conferences at University of Siegenand Zhejiang University in turn in 2 years.


Erasmus + is a high-end program by the European Union in 2014 to promote personnel exchange between European universities and other universities around the world. Erasmus +, expected to obtain an investment of 14.7 billion Euros by 2020, is an integrated version of Erasmus international mobility projects of the EU. The project is named after Desiderius Erasmus, the famous medieval thinker in Rotterdam.

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