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【Seminar】The Harmonic Tone in the Integrated Study of Ancient Phonetics and Ancient Characters


Date: from 15th July to 16th July, 2019

Venue: The Conference Room, the 3rd floor, The Bell Tower Building, Zhijiang Campus, Zhejiang University


Speaker Introduction】:Shi Wenlei is an associate professor of Zhejiang University. Lai Guolong, Associate Professor of Chinese Art and Archaeology, studied International Law (BA) at Jilin University, earned his MA in Archaeology and Paleography at Beijing University and PhD in Art History at UCLA. 


Seminar Abstract】:Among the research materials of ancient Chinese pronunciation, poetry rhyme, harmonic tone and borrowing are the most direct reflection of the internal ontological pronunciation of ancient Chinese, while the external dialects, modern Chinese dialects and borrowing words of ethnic languages are the indirect external evidence. Since the Qing Dynasty, there has been a deep study of Pre-Qin rhymes such as the Book of Songs and Chuci, but the utilization and research of harmonic materials are not enough. The traditional harmonic spectrum is mainly based on Shuowen Jiezi. At the present, when a large number of Chu bamboo slips are unearthed, it is an urgent academic mission to systematically synthesize the ancient writing materials and reorganize the harmonic system of the ancient writing in the pre-Qin period.

This workshop will lead the tide of research on the integration of ancient sounds and characters, promote exchanges among different disciplines, and strengthen multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary links. The reorganization of the harmonic system of pre-Qin Chinese characters not only uses the newly unearthed ancient writing materials, but also absorbs the new achievements of linguistics and ancient phonetics in theory and method, which is another systematic thematic discussion on the harmonic problem.

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