【Seminar】The Influence of the Consumer Ethnocentrism and Cultural Familiarity on Brand Preference: Evidence of Event-Related Potential (ERP)
Date: 21st November, 2019
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Venue: Room1104, Administration Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University.
【Speaker Introduction】:H’meidatt Abdeljelil is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Data Science and Management Engineering at the School of Management, Zhejiang University. He majors in neuro-marketing research. He studied at the School of Management, Beijing University of Science and Technology, and graduated from the Department of Management Science and Engineering and received scholarships for international students.
【Lecture Introduction】:The tendency of customers’ preference to their local brands over the foreign ones is known as consumer ethnocentrism, and it is an important issue in international marketing. This study aims at identifying the behavioral and neural correlates of Consumer Ethnocentrism in the field of brand preference, using event-related potential(ERP). We sampled subjects from two ethnic groups, a Chinese ethnic group and a sub-Saharan Black African group from Zhejiang University. The results revealed that the race of the brand-logo recommender highly impacted the Chinese subjects’ preference for the brand-logos. The N200 component elicited by the in-group recommended logos were significantly lower than those elicited by the out-group recommended logos. Additionally, there was evidence that being familiar with foreign cultures reduced consumer ethnocentrism. The African subjects were familiar with Chinese people and adopted Chinese culture, as a result, they did not differ in showing preferences between the in-group and out-group recommended logos.