发布时间:2008-03-25 浏览次数:4533
Call for Papers 2008
The Institute of English Literature at Zhejiang University, Institute of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at Copenhagen University, and School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, cordially invite your active participation in an international symposium on Sinology and Sino-Foreign cultural relations and exchanges to be held in Hangzhou, October 24-26, 2008.
Abstracts for prospective papers on the following topics are welcome. Your initiative in organizing a session will also be appreciated.
1. Early records of and description about China in other countries
2. The emergence and development of overseas sinology or China studies
3. Western missionaries, diplomats, merchants, explorers and journalists who came to China in ancient and modern times
4. Visual images of China in the West
5. Chinese students, merchants, laborers, diplomats, and revolutionaries in Europe and America
6. China’s modernization in the Global perspective
Keynote Speakers
(in alphabetical order)
Dr. Thomas H. Hahn, Cornell University
Prof. Qi Han, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof. Qi Han, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. Eduard Koegel, urban planner and architect, Berlin
Prof. Hua Meng, Peking University
Prof. Xiping Zhang, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Dr. Harriet T. Zurndorfer, University of Leiden
Abstract Guidelines
You are asked to limit your abstract to one double-spaced page, bearing your: NAME, ACADEMIC AFFLIATION, FULL ADDRESS, and CONTACT INFO. To be fully considered, abstracts must be received by June 1, 2008. You will be notified in early July of the Program Committee’s decision about your abstract.
We are happy to add that we plan to publish a proceeding of the conference, and the selection of papers for publication will be made by and Editorial Board acting in conjunction with various referees.
Please send your abstract and all conference communications by e-mail to:
Registration Fees
(Payable on site. Graduate students: 50%)
Foreign participants: £90, $150, E130
Domestic participants: RMB660
* The rate covers a half-day tour, tea/coffee, three lunches, two dinners and one banquet.
Organizers of the Conference
Prof. Hong Shen, Zhejiang University, China (hshen_72@yahoo.com.cn)
Prof. Denise Gimpel, Copenhagen University, Denmark (denise@hum.ku.dk)
Prof. Paul J. Bailey, University of Edinburgh, U. K.( Paul.Bailey@ed.ac.uk)
Tel. +86-571-8820 6044
Fax: +86-571-8820 6179
1. 海外有关中国的记载和描述
2. 汉学或中国学的兴起和发展
3. 从古至今来到中国的西方传教士、外交家、商人、旅行家和记者
4. 西方人眼中的中国形象或纪录的视觉图像
5. 欧美的中国留学生、商人、劳工、外交家、革命家
6. 全球视野下的中国现代化
1. 海外有关中国的记载和描述
2. 汉学或中国学的兴起和发展
3. 从古至今来到中国的西方传教士、外交家、商人、旅行家和记者
4. 西方人眼中的中国形象或纪录的视觉图像
5. 欧美的中国留学生、商人、劳工、外交家、革命家
6. 全球视野下的中国现代化
德国建筑师,Eduard Koegel博士
荷兰莱顿大学,Harriet T. Zurndorfer教授
国际参加者:90英镑 / 150美元/130欧元
国际参加者:90英镑 / 150美元/130欧元
丹麦,哥本哈根大学,Denise Gimpel教授(denise@hum.ku.dk)
英国,爱丁堡大学,Paul J. Bailey教授(Paul.Bailey@ed.ac.uk)
电话:(571) 8820 6044
传真:(571) 8820 6179