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国际著名语用学、二语习得专家ISTVAN KECSKES教授讲座通知

发布时间:2008-06-12 浏览次数:2788

国际著名语用学、二语习得专家ISTVAN KECSKES教授讲座通知
题 目:Cognitive aspects of bi- and multilingualism
报告人:ISTVAN KECSKES教授(美国纽约州立大学)
ISTVAN KECSKES is Professor of Linguistics at the State University of New York, Albany, USA where he teaches graduate courses in pragmatics, second language acquisition and bilingualism.  His latest publications on these topics include four books (Kecskes, I. & T. Papp. 2000, Foreign Language and Mother Tongue. Erlbaum; Kecskes, I. 2003, Situation-Bound Utterances in L1 and L2. Mouton; Kecskes, I. & L. Albertazzi. 2007. Cognitive Aspects of Bilingualism. Springer and Kecskes, I. & L. Horn eds. 2007. Explorations in Pragmatics. Mouton.) and numerous articles published in prestigious journals such as WORD,  Journal of Pragmatics, International Journal of Bilingualism, Slavica, Intercultural Pragmatics, Second Language Research and others.
Professor Kecskes is the founding editor of the linguistics journal Intercultural Pragmatics and the Mouton Series in Pragmatics published by Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin/New York. He sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Pragmatics (Elsevier) and the International Journal of Multilingualism (Multilingual Matters). He was the guest editor of a special issue of the International Journal of Bilingualism (Kingston Press) on cognitive approaches to bilingualism.